News, Updates And Soundbites

Contact your MPs and Ward Councillors. 

We’ve appended the text of a letter which you can adapt and send to them.  The more letters they get on the subject, the more they will listen to you.  That’s what they are there for.

Your letter could be worded as follows:

Dear [MP] [Councillor]


I am a constituent. (or I and my family are constituents)

I am alarmed at the threat to our drinking water, to our health and to our human rights. 

The Department of Health and Social Care is planning to fluoridate our drinking water.  They are using the word “will” as opposed to “would” so it seems as though it’s a done deal despite the number of cogent objections they could receive to their recently announced Public Consultation. (

I object to becoming fluoridated.  The fluoride-containing toxic acid which is added converts drinking water into medicinal water (BSEN 12175:2022, p.19).  I should not have to pay for medicinal water.  Moreover, medicinal water consumers are not protected by the provisions of the retained Drinking Water Directive, Article 3. 

Water companies should not sell us medicinal water when their licences imply that they should only treat raw water in order to make it potable as drinking water?

A little known fact is that the fluoridating acid contains heavy metals and hydrogen fluoride.  I am astounded that anyone could think that potable water to which the fluoridating acid is added can still be regarded as being potable. The DHSC and the DWI have a convenient reply to this: all chemicals exist in drinking water at below their maximum levels.  That’s all very well, but fluoridated water is not drinking water and the drinking water guidelines do not apply to medicinal water. To my way of thinking, no guidelines exist, so there is no legal redress if the medicinal water poisons us because of the presence of contaminants and/or pathogens.

I urge you to speak out against this unwise Public Health practice.

Your comments would be greatly appreciated.

Yours sincerely

[Name, address, POST CODE, phone number]


The Northern Echo reported the start of the Public Consultation on 25th March.  Did any of you see it?  The Archive headline removed the words “Water Fluoridation” and “Public Consultation” and simply read “Water scheme battling tooth decay to expand to the rest of the North East”. ( The newspaper did not provide a link to the DHSC page.  Decidedly odd!


Water Fluoridation Fails Newcastle Kids.
In addition to their being more extractions per 100,000 children in fluoridated Newcastle compared to non-fluoridated areas of the North-East, we now learn from the BBC that the epidemic of tooth decay has been so high as to cause the Dentaid Bus to stay longer than normal in a city.

Sound Bite

Human babies are not intended to be exposed to fluoride.  Breast milk contains up to 300 less fluoride than in fluoridated water.  Mother Nature didn’t louse up. 

Sound Bite

“If I was an arthritic individual, I would be eliminating every possible source of fluoride exposure that I could think of.” (Phyllis Mullenix, PhD, Toxicologist)

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