
Local Authority/Government Andover 1958 Kilmarnock 1960 Bolton 1968 Hull 1970 Calderdale, 1978 Isle of Man 1986 Lancashire County Council  1988-1992 Barrow-in-Furness, 1988-1992 Blackburn Borough Council 1988-1992 Blackpool Borough Council 1988-1992                              10 Burnley Borough Council 1988-1992 Chorley Borough Council 1988-1992 Fylde Borough Council 1988-1992 Hyndburn Borough Council 1988-1992 Lancaster Borough Council 1988-1992 Pendle Borough council 1988-1992 […]

Local Authorities That Have Declined Water Fluoridation Read More »

TOOTH EXTRACTIONS IN THE NORTH-EAST OF ENGLAND DUE TO TOOTH DECAY Children aged 5-9 Are there more or less in fluoridated areas?  The official line is that fluoridated areas see less tooth extractions. The tooth extraction data produced by the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID), a department within the DHSC, has not been

Tooth Extraction Data Read More »

Step 1    READ THIS FIRST Every box within the 9-step process detailed in the INTRODUCTION, contains information to help you to (1) expand your knowledge on water fluoridation and (2) fill out the Consultation Questionnaire.  It’s important to send as many well-educated responses, based on truth, as possible. What you need to do: – Follow

Start Here Read More »

For other health concerns due to water fluoridation please visit fluoridealert.org which has a vast database of diseases caused by fluoride.

Health Concerns Read More »

Legislation permitting Water Fluoridation in the UK Legislation which argues against Water Fluoridation in the UK The Water Industry Act 1991, Ss 87-91. Two compounds of fluoride are permitted: H2SiF6 and Na2SiF6 An authoritative statement: British Standard 12175:2022, pp. 7-8, states that Hydrofluoric Acid (HF) is present in the Hexafluorosilicic Acid used to fluoridate drinking


by Joy Warren, BSc. (Hons) Environmental Science               March 2024 It is calculated that about 2% of fluoridated drinking water and water containing natural fluoride is drunk by UK consumers.  The remainder is lost in leaks, evaporated by industrial processes or incorporated into manufactured food. (Warren, 2007) Whilst it is hoped that all fluoride entering rivers


The clauses and what they mean. Note, however, a Memorandum exists which alters some of the conditions in the Regulations for responding to the PC.  These are highlighted in the final row of the table in blue. These Regulations extend to England and Wales but apply in relation to England only. There has been nothing

The Water Fluoridation (Consultation) (England) Regulations 2022 Read More »

The clauses and what they mean. Note, however, a Memorandum exists which alters some of the conditions in the Regulations for responding to the PC.  These are highlighted in the final row of the table in blue. These Regulations extend to England and Wales but apply in relation to England only. There has been nothing

The Water Fluoridation (Consultation) (England) Regulations 2022 Read More »